
The (Not So Humble) Modern Business Card


I was reminded while making a little contact page this morning of the NFC business card I've been carrying in my wallet for the last 6 months.

It's one of my favourite things because of a particular feeling I associate with it: it was so easy to set up and carries maximum cool-factor (if not that cool, admit it's nifty). It looks a bit like this:

the NFC business card on the street

How it works

When someone asks how they can contact me (usually in a semi-professional capacity), I take that card out of my wallet and put it near the back of their phone. A notification appears on their phone and, upon clicking, they are transported to my card page on this site. The response is usually fairly gratifying.

And the best things about it:

  • cooler than a conventional business card;
  • you only need one because your details are left in a tab on the recipient's phone;
  • it's very practical, cheap and unbelievably easy!

Just do two things. Buy an NFC card (cheaper from aliexpress if you can wait) and program it with your phone.

How it usually goes down

"Let's see Jonathan's card."

*the subtle, off-pink colouring, the bold pop-out effect, it's just perfect*

Or something like that.

If you'd like to talk about this post, send me an email using my address in the footer. I won't share your message publicly without your consent.
